Thursday, February 23, 2012

Amigos Shop Final Event this Sunday!!

We are pleased to invite you to our final event at Amigos Publishing & Shop, Let's Go Get Cokes. On view are photographs and ephemera based on our month's theme: the suburbs. The glossy and well-worn photographs by an anonymous artist are of skateboarders and BMXers, of kids hanging out and learning tricks for the first time. The faces in the photos are unclear or cropped out, allowing the viewer to imagine their own adolescence or the banal experiences that are often associated with the suburbs.

Let's Go Get Cokes is a preview of a forthcoming book release by Amigos. The event, to be held Sunday February 26th from 2-7PM, will also include a release of GBPS by Andrew Burton, Jad Angell and Dan Burton, as well as Amigos 009 lite rock - the hits, our first music release, a cassette tape by Daniella Ben-Bassat.

Lou Kishfy and Laura Brown will provide music and visuals. The event, as always, is free and open to the public. We hope you'll join us for our final event at the shop.