Sunday, December 4, 2011

Featured Item: Exhumed, Book One

This new arrival in the shop is a thick, drawing compilation zine. It is printed all in black and white by Exhumed Editions in Brooklyn. The pages are densely filled with messy paint, pencils, computer, markers, collage, etc. There are patterns, figures, shapes, scary stuff, weird stuff, lots of stuff. Total mental overload.

46 pages, B&W, perfect bound.  $10

Artists within:
Mark Roseglass
Shane Butler
Daren Ho
Tessa Perutz
Brian Willmont
Antonia Kuo
Connor Camburn
Dylan Goettlich
Anjuli Rathod
Cody Defranco
Cody Hoyt
Nic Buffon
Maggie Lee
Kevin Clancy
Kevin Burney
Michael Collins
Alexander Demaria
Simone Fujimoto
Lieven Lahaye
Travis England
Owen Rundquist
Cassandra Baker