Saturday, October 15, 2011

Featured Item: Bookmarking Da Spirit Through Dial-Up: Coming of Age in America (Online)

Bookmarking Da Spirit Through Dial-Up: Coming of Age in America (Online) put together by Monica Yi collects a number of nostalgic short stories recalling experiences like getting the household "wired" and gossiping on AOL after school. The words are broken up with full page collages of early computer effects and drawings done in Paint. Going through it is a total time warp. It gave me the warm-fuzzies thinking of my own first time inventing usernames and hanging out in chat rooms when I was 12 with friends and complete strangers. I was riding this new wild horse called The Internet with no map, and I remember having to ask what exactly "LOL" stood for from a teenaged Canadian boy on a Sailor Moon forum 10 years ago. Monica's zine brings it all full circle.